Whilst your original home loan may have been the perfect loan for you when you originally purchased your home, it may not still be the most suitable option for your current and future needs.
You may be considering home renovations such as a new kitchen or upgrading your bathrooms? Perhaps your family is growing and extra bedrooms or an extended living area will improve your home lifestyle.
You could be considering that dream family holiday. Is there sufficient equity in your home so that you can borrow that bit extra whilst refinancing and make that dream holiday a reality now instead of a few years down the track?
Have you accumulated extra loans whilst on your life journey? Providing you have sufficient equity in your property our expert mortgage brokers can look at your overall financial situation to see if you can consolidate all your debt on a home loan. This could reduce the amount of your total monthly loan repayments and also reduce your monthly loan interest costs. Of course, you may also want to consider keeping your monthly loan repayments at your current level or you could end up paying more over a longer period of time. We can help you to decide which is the most suitable option for you.
Perhaps your current home loan is just not delivering the right interest rate and product features. We can help you look at what options are available that could improve your loan interest rate, monthly repayments and overall costs. Of course you need to consider all the costs associated with refinancing your home loan.